Data de Publicação: 20/09/2017
Title of the Training School: Beginners course in ecological network analysis of multispecies interactions
The training school is organized in the framework of the COST Action FA1405 and it is jointly organized by the James Hutton Institute and the School of Agriculture, Polytechnic Institute of Bragança. Organizers: Paula Baptista and Alison Bennett Trainers: Darren M. Evans, U.Newcastle, UK and Michael J.O. Pocock, CEH, UK Target audience: MSc, PhD students and post-PhD researchers from Ecology, Biology, Agriculture, Biotechnology, Mathematical Modelling and others who aim to acquire broad understanding of the conceptual description of ecological networks. Number of trainees: maximum 12 Trainee allowance: accepted trainees will get an allowance of 500 euros to cover part of their travel and accommodation costs. Application: Send a short CV and motivation letter to Paula Baptista; deadline 16 October 2017.
Data de Publicação: 15/09/2017
O Instituto Politécnico de Bragança torna público que se encontra reaberto procedimento para atribuição de uma Bolsa de Investigação (BI), no âmbito do projeto Investigação Científica e Desenvolvimento Tecnológico intitulado: “Viv@vo: Viver na Casa da Avó”, com referência NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-023637, financiado pelo Programa Operacional Regional do Norte, Aviso 02/SAICT/2016.
Data de Publicação: 13/09/2017
Encontra-se aberto concurso para a atribuição de uma Bolsa de investigação (BI-Mestre) no âmbito das atividades decorrentes do projeto REHAB_IND – Revitalización y Rehabilitación Sostenible de Áreas Industriales Transfronterizas Interconectadas y Eficientes (ref.a 0399_REHAB_IND_2_E)
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